International Operations

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World Wide Operations

NEUREXEN PHARMACEUTICALS aspired to be one of the most respected, profitable and integrated global pharmaceutical company that delivers international standards on all counts. In order to achieve this objective, we have to focus towards anticipating trends in the emerging markets (which hold the maximum potential), as well as reviewing the demands of the developed markets. Along with these focus markets, we will also try to tap the SEA AND EUROPE markets.
In order to expand its global footprint and to consolidate its operations and product offerings, NEUREXEN PHARMACEUTICALS will have a strategic tie-up and acquired key players in the major global markets.

Some of our major activities include:

• In process to Tie-ups with leading global MNC’s for offering CRAMS
• Appointing a Distributors for the product availability
• Participating in the international EXPOs.
• Entering into long-term out-licensing agreements with various countries.
• Setting up our own front-ends across major global markets
• Establishing a strong marketing presence in domestic markets

Our main focus will be on INDIA, BANGLADESH, PAKISTAN, NEPAL AND SOUTH EAST ASIA market. Our product portfolio comprises of more than 30 products, some of products, we can supply easily to this country and will register more of our products in these countries.

• To become a preferred manufacturing partner for large MNC pharmaceutical companies
• Establishing a strong presence in the World pharmaceutical market through organic and inorganic channels
• Out-licensing Intellectual Property to drive growth/ scalability
• To build and launch products in niche segments.